Tips & Tricks : CentOS firewalld : open port


Once you install CentOS 7, by default firewalld will block almost all network traffic.

In order to open ports for certain services you can easily reconfigure firewall using firewall-cmd command.

[root@localhost firewalld]# firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  interfaces: eno16777728
[root@localhost firewalld]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
[root@localhost firewalld]# firewall-cmd --reload

Example contains port 80, however you can open any port using same method.
It is worth to check zones configured on your machine and make sure you open port in proper zone where service should be enabled.


Tips & Tricks : Installing PHP Xdebug on openSUSE from existing repo


While using PhpStorm I tried to use remote PHP interpreter on my dev virtual machine. As I’m big openSUSE fan and user I have openSUSE Leap 42.1 as my development machine. Unfortunately there is no Xdebug for PHP distributed by default.

However, there is repository available, so it’s easy to add this missing component to my system.

Here is how…



Tips & Tricks : Introduction to Laravel : Free coding tools


In previous articles:

we created and published web project.

Now it’s time to try to do some development and modify out-of-the-box project to create our own application.

Question is what tools should we use to start code development.

You might want to have a look at two available for free:

Sublime Text

Download from: http://www.sublimetext.com

Sublime Text

Visual Studio Code

Download from: http://code.visualstudio.com

Visual Studio Code

Both apps can highlight syntax for PHP-based code, so both can be used for development purposes with Laravel web application.

Check them and decide which one will be better fit for you.


How-to : Introduction to Laravel : Publish Laravel Framework project on Apache 2.4


In previous article “How-to : Introduction to Laravel : Create a Laravel Framework project on openSUSE Leap 42.1” we’ve created Laravel project called demo-project.

However, this project is not available on web server, so we can’t open it in web browser and see it’s content.

Let’s configure Apache server to serve our demo-project.

In this article we will:

  • Place project files in appropriate folder
  • Adjust files ownership for proper publishing
  • Create configuration for Apache, so our content will be available

Let’s get to work…



How-to : Introduction to Laravel : Create a Laravel Framework project on openSUSE Leap 42.1


It’s a simple step-by-step tutorial, how to setup Laravel project on openSUSE 42.1.

First some requirements to be able to proceed with all steps:

  • openSUSE server (I have it as virtual machine with openSUSE LEap 42.1)
  • Apache web server install on openSUSE (# zypper install apache2)
  • PHP >= 5.5.9 (# zypper install php5)
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension (# zypper install php5-openssl)
  • PDO PHP Extension (# zypper install php5-pdo)
  • Mbstring PHP Extension (# zypper install php5 mbstring)
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension (# zypper install php5-tokenizer)
  • Phar PHP Extension (# zypper install php5-phar)

Once all above are installed we can install composer.phar and then Laravel Framework



How-to : Publish multiple URLs with single IP and HAProxy


Many times there is a need to publish multiple websites from internal network, but there is only one public IP address available.

How this can be done easy way? HAProxy can help us with it.

In example configuration I have 2 URLs registered to same public IP address:

  • first.laboratory.net
  • second.laboratory.net
  • third.laboratory.net

Here is how HAProxy configuration for given example looks like…
