Tips & Tricks : Remove Event Log Source


To remove Event Log Source use this:

Remove-EventLog -Source "Desktop Window Manager"
Replace Desktop Window Manager with Event Log Source you want to remove.

Tips & Tricks : List Event Logs and associated sources


To list all Event Logs and sources associated with them use:

Get-EventLog -LogName * |ForEach-Object {$LogName = $_.Log;Get-EventLog -LogName $LogName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Select-Object @{Name= "Log Name";Expression = {$LogName}}, Source -Unique}

How-to : Publish multiple URLs with single IP and HAProxy


Many times there is a need to publish multiple websites from internal network, but there is only one public IP address available.

How this can be done easy way? HAProxy can help us with it.

In example configuration I have 2 URLs registered to same public IP address:

  • first.laboratory.net
  • second.laboratory.net
  • third.laboratory.net

Here is how HAProxy configuration for given example looks like…
