Tips & Tricks : Installing PHP Xdebug on openSUSE with pecl


If you need to install Xdebug on openSUSE and don’t want ot use existing binary repo easiest way is to use pecl to do that and here is how…

First install all required packages

dev-lnx-02:~ # zypper --non-interactive install gcc autoconf automake php5 php5-pear php5-devel

Now we can download and install Xdebug itself:



Tips & Tricks : Installing PHP Xdebug on openSUSE from existing repo


While using PhpStorm I tried to use remote PHP interpreter on my dev virtual machine. As I’m big openSUSE fan and user I have openSUSE Leap 42.1 as my development machine. Unfortunately there is no Xdebug for PHP distributed by default.

However, there is repository available, so it’s easy to add this missing component to my system.

Here is how…



How-to : Install Bareos with WebUI on openSUSE 13.2


Recently I went through installation process of Bareos on openSUSE. Bareos seems to be interesting solution for backups in heterogeneous  environments.

Ok,let’s start and see how to deploy in 5 steps:

  • Step 1: Add repository with Beros and Beros WebUI; Install Beros
  • Step 2: Create Bareos database and Tables on MySQL
  • Step 3: Configuring Bareos (few config files)
  • Step 4: Starting services and accessing WebUI portal
  • Step 5: Enable/Autostart Bareos services (optional)



Tips & Tricks : MediaWiki 1.25.1 and VisualEditor


In case you want to deploy MediaWiki 1.25.1 with VisualEditor use following components:

Configuration details for LocalSettings.php for these components can be found here:

When you download VisualEditor from Git repository installation with MediaWiki 1.25.1 is more likely to fail.


How-To : openSUSE & keepalived for Firewall HA


Current expectations from all type of systems and services is to be available without any disruption. One of mission critical systems is gateway/firewall. Of course you can use multiple products available on the market. One of them is openSUSE, which is perfect to act as gateway/firewall between Internet and production systems. So, how to provide redundancy for openSUSE and same time be able to keep it up-to-date without any disruption for production systems?

openSUSE 13.2 with keepalived provides all technology required to make your firewall high-available.

Here is diagram of Lab created to configure and test openSUSE with keepalived:
