Recently I went through installation process of Bareos on openSUSE. Bareos seems to be interesting solution for backups in heterogeneous  environments.

Ok,let’s start and see how to deploy in 5 steps:

  • Step 1: Add repository with Beros and Beros WebUI; Install Beros
  • Step 2: Create Bareos database and Tables on MySQL
  • Step 3: Configuring Bareos (few config files)
  • Step 4: Starting services and accessing WebUI portal
  • Step 5: Enable/Autostart Bareos services (optional)


In order to have Bareos with WebUI successfully installed following components are required:

  • Apache2 Web Server
  • MySQL Server Community Edition

Step 1: Add repositories with Bareos and Bareos WebUI; Install Bareos

At the time when this article was written default openSUSE 13.2 repository does contain Bareos and Bareos WebUI.

For that reason firs thing we will do is to add repositories which contains all required components.

So, let’s start YaST Control Center and go to Software section and then to Software Repositories.

On Configured Software Repositories screen click Add in order to define new software repository.

Select repository type. In our case repository is available via URL, so choose Specify URL option and go Next.

Name your repository (for example Bareos, like on screenshot) and enter URL to repository.

Repository URL:

For bareos-webui package – Bareos :

For bareos packages – Conecenter :


If you want to use release version of Bareos use following repositories during installation:

Once done you will see your repository on the list. Click OK in order to proceed with installation.

Now it’s time to install Bareos. In order to do that in YaST go to Software and then Software Management.

In Search Phrase field enter bareos and press Enter in order to see list of Bareos related packages.

Select bareos package… then scroll down and select bareos-webui package.

When you select bareos-webui package you might be asked to resolve package conflict. Choose deinstallation of patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts20141007-5.1.x86_64 as Possible Solution and then click OK.

Package will be now added to installation list, so you can click Accept to proceed with installation.

Now you see list of additional packages which have to be installed in order for Bareos to work. Click OK to proceed with installation.

YaST will download and install all packages, which might take a while

Once all packages will be installed you can finish installation process and proceed to configuration.


Step 2: Create Bareos database and Tables on MySQL

Once Bareos is installed there will be number of configuration scripts which have to be executed in order to created database and tables for Bareos to function properly.

All scripts are located in /usr/lib/bareos/scripts folder.

Bareos database will be created in 3 steps:

  • Database creation – script: create_bareos_database
  • Tables creation – script: make_bareos_tables
  • Privileges assignment – script: grant_bareos_privileges

All 3 scripts will interact with MySQL database.

core-net-01:/usr/lib/bareos/scripts # ./create_bareos_database
Creating mysql database
Creating of bareos database succeeded.
core-net-01:/usr/lib/bareos/scripts # ./make_bareos_tables
Making mysql tables
Creation of Bareos MySQL tables succeeded.
core-net-01:/usr/lib/bareos/scripts # ./grant_bareos_privileges
Granting mysql tables
Privileges for user bareos granted ON database bareos.
core-net-01:/usr/lib/bareos/scripts #

Step 3: Configuring Bareos (few config files)

Before we will be able to access Bareos WebUI we need to do few adjustments to configuration.

Files which have to be modified:

  • /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini
  • /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/bareos-webui.conf
  • /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.conf

Modifications in configuration files will be mainly around database and portal access configuration.

Let’s go with configurations then.


Please notice highlighted lines. These have to be adjusted with specific database settings of your installation.

In the example I’m using MySQL and using phpMyAdmin I set password for bareos user to P@ssword.
; Bareos WebUI Configuration
; File: /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini

; Section localhost-dir

; Enable or disable section. Possible values are "yes" or "no", the default is "yes".
enabled = "yes"

; Possible values are "postgresql" or "mysql", the default is "postgresql"
dbdriver = "mysql"

; Fill in the IP-Address or FQDN of your catalog DB
dbaddress = "localhost"

; Default values are corresponding to your dbriver, e.g 5432 or 3306
dbport = 3306

; Default is "bareos"
dbuser = "bareos"

; No default value
dbpassword = "P@ssw0rd"

; Default is set to "bareos"
dbname = "bareos"

; Fill in the IP-Address or FQDN of you director.
diraddress = "localhost"

; Default value is 9101
dirport = 9101

; Note: TLS has not been tested and documented, yet.
;tls_verify_peer = false
;server_can_do_tls = false

;server_requires_tls = false
;client_can_do_tls = false
;client_requires_tls = false
;ca_file = ""
;cert_file = ""
;cert_file_passphrase = ""
;allowed_cns = ""

; Section another-host-dir
enabled = "no"
dbdriver = "mysql"
dbaddress = ""
dbport = 3306
dbuser = "bareos_webui"
dbpassword = ""
dbname = "bareos"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
; Note: TLS has not been tested and documented, yet.
;tls_verify_peer = false
;server_can_do_tls = false
;server_requires_tls = false
;client_can_do_tls = false
;client_requires_tls = false
;ca_file = ""
;cert_file = ""
;cert_file_passphrase = ""
;allowed_cns = ""


In order to allow Bareos WebUI to access Bareos database we need to make few adjustments in portal configuration. Please notice highlighted lines and adjust these accordingly to your configuration.

For demo purposes I’m using same password for user1 which is username which allows to access Bareos portal. This password can be set to any other password and is not related to database connection.
# Preparations:
# include this configuration file in bareos-dir.conf by
# @/etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/bareos-webui.conf

# Restricted console used by bareos-webui
Console {
Name = user1
Password = "P@ssw0rd"
CommandACL = cancel, messages, rerun, restore, run, show, status, version
Job ACL = *all*
Schedule ACL = *all*
Catalog ACL = *all*
Pool ACL = *all*
Storage ACL = *all*
Client ACL = *all*
FileSet ACL = *all*
#Where ACL =


Please notice highlighted line. That has to be added in order to allow web interface to allow us to login to portal.

#   Incremental Backups are done monday to friday at 21:00        (#10)
#   Incremental Backups are written into the "Incremental" Pool   (#11)
#   Incremental Backups are kept for 30 Days                      (#12)
#   What you also have to do is to change the default fileset     (#13)
#   to either one of the demo filesets given or create our own fileset.
#  For Bareos release 15.2.0 (25 April 2015) -- suse openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64)


Director {                            # define myself


Once we done with all configuration files let’s start services and try to access Bareos WebUI portal.

Step 4: Starting services and accessing WebUI portal

First we start all services and restart web server

core-net-01:/etc/bareos # service bareos-sd stop
core-net-01:/etc/bareos # service bareos-fd stop
core-net-01:/etc/bareos # service bareos-dir stop
core-net-01:/etc/bareos # service apache2 restart

Now we can check if all services are started.

core-net-01:~ # ps aux
bareos     6465  0.0  1.3 355816  6532 ?        Ssl  07:51   0:00 /usr/sbin/bareos-dir -c /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.conf
root       6487  0.0  0.6 195144  2968 ?        Ssl  07:51   0:00 /usr/sbin/bareos-fd -c /etc/bareos/bareos-fd.conf
bareos     6507  0.0  0.6 265436  3296 ?        Ssl  07:51   0:00 /usr/sbin/bareos-sd -c /etc/bareos/bareos-sd.conf

Once we confirm that services are started we can go to Bareos WebUI and use it.

In web browser I go to URL: http://core-net-01/bareos-webui (please not that core-net-01 is a hostname of my demo server).

Once logon page is shown enter details:

  • Director: localhost-dir
  • Username: user1
  • Password: P@ssw0rd

Once you click Login button Bareos WebUI portal will login and will show you status of backup jobs.

So, looks that Bareos and WebUI works fine now 🙂 You can proceed to configuration of the whole backup system.

Prior to that you might set Bareos services to automatically start during system startup.

Step 5: Enable/Autostart Bareos services (optional)

Start YaST and go to System and Services Manager

Locate on the list Bareos services:

  • bareos-dir
  • bareos-fd
  • bareos-sd

Change status of these services to Enabled.

Now you can enjoy Bareos as backup system.