Once you have MasterNode configured, you might want to check status and see, if everything works fine.

// Start ArcticCoin MasterNode

Once you have arcticcoind up and running you can start MasterNode role.

[sourcecode lang=”text”]
arcnode01@arc-srv-01:~/.arcticcore$ arcticcoin-cli goldminenode start-all
"overall": "Successfully started 1 goldminenodes, failed to start 0, total 1",
"detail": {
"status": {
"alias": "mn1",
"result": "successful"

// Check status of your MasterNode

To see if MasterNode is started you can use command line tool.

[sourcecode lang=”text”]
arcnode01@arc-srv-01:~/.arcticcore$ arcticcoin-cli goldminenode status
"vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(DEPOSIT_TRANSACTION_ID, 1), scriptSig=)",
"service": "XX.XX.XX.XX:7209",
"status": "Goldminenode successfully started"


// Verify details of your MasterNode

Here you can verify detailed configuration of MasterNode.

[sourcecode lang=”text”]
arcnode01@arc-srv-01:~/.arcticcore$ arcticcoin-cli goldminenode list-conf
"goldminenode": {
"alias": "mn1",
"address": "XX.XX.XX.XX:7209",
"privateKey": "PRIVATE_KEY_OF_YOUR_MN",
"outputIndex": "1",
"status": "ENABLED"


// Check debug.log to see information from MasterNode daemon

If you are interested in MasterNode activity you can keep watching it.

[sourcecode lang=”text”]
arcnode01@arc-srv-01:~/.arcticcore$ tail -f ~/.arcticcore/debug.log