How-to : Connect to Amazon EC2 Linux AMI using SecureCRT


Recently I decided to use Amazon AWS EC2 platform to host systems in the Cloud. As operating system I needed is Linux I quickly deployed Amazon Linux AMI, which is quick and simple to do.

Once instance was created I downloaded key pair. Now it came down to connecting to my virtual machine in the cloud.My SSH client of choice is SecureCRT. Let’s see how to configure session parameters in SecureCRT in order to connect to Amazon Linux AMI instance hosted on EC2 platform.

I’m using SecureCRT 7.0.1 to connect to server hosted on Amazon EC2 platform.



Apple iOS6 post upgrade welcome wizard screenshots


At least with Apple iOS 6 upgrade process didn’t cause headaches (like previous iOS’ upgrades :)). For those who wants to see what happenes with iPad after upgrade here are screenshots of welcome wizard which shows after upgrade is completed.



Apple iOS 6 Released


Finally Apple released iOS 6. After months of spreading news how great new iOS will be we can install it. So, was it really worth waiting and is it really that great as Apple tried to tell us past few months?



Games : Screenshots : Skyrim Blackreach Sun



How-to : Create Zend Framework 1.x based project with home.pl as hosting platform


I’m using home.pl to host some of my projects. Also, this is test platform for some of the application I work on. At some point I started using Zend Framework and when tried to use home.pl to host Zend Framework-based project went into bit of trouble. By default there is no shell access, so no way to manipulate httpd settings.

After few emails with Technical Support from home.pl I received step-by-step instructions from them on how to create Zend Framework-based project and make it run correctly, so I thought it is worth to share.
