Tips & Tricks : SQL Server “Cannot connect to WMI provider”


Recently I had issue which occured without any particular reason on SQL Server 2012. All of the sudden I start getting error message:

Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is
Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 servers with SQL
Server Configuration Manager.
Invalid Namespace.

when tried to run SQL Server Configuration Tools.

What resolved situation is command:

mofcomp C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof

Tips & Tricks : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 & 2012 Feature Packs


Some of applications require additional SQL Server 2008 or 2012 fetures installed. Some of these features might not be available in standard setup of SQL Server. In that case you have to refer to Microsoft Dowloads web page in order to download additional components required for installation:


Code snippets : SQL : Backup and FTP Database


When browsing repository of all scripts I did use in past, I found one which might be interesting. What this script does is:

  • Backups database to disk (name of database stored in @dbname, patch for backup stored in @archive_path, name of backup fine stored in @fname)
  • Compresses database backup using WinRAR (full command where to find WinRAR and how ot use it stored in @archive_cmd)
  • Generates set of commands for FTP client (series of xp_cmdshell commands redirecting output to F:\Backup\ftpcmds)
  • Uploads compressed backup to FTP server using command prompt FTP client command

I had that as small procedure executed automatically with SQL Server Agent. Script is for Microsoft SQL Server and I was running it on SQL Server 2000 and 2005. Here is code for that small procedure:


DECLARE @fname varchar(255)
DECLARE @fname_backup varchar(255)
DECLARE @fname_archive varchar(255)
DECLARE @archive_path varchar(255)
DECLARE @dbname varchar(255)
DECLARE @archive_cmd varchar(255)
DECLARE @put_cmd varchar(255)

SET @dbname = 'dbApplication'
SET @fname = @dbname + '_' + LTRIM(STR(DAY(GETDATE())))  + '.' + LTRIM(STR(MONTH(GETDATE()))) + '.' + LTRIM(STR(YEAR(GETDATE())))
SET @archive_path = 'F:\Backup\'
SET @fname_backup = @archive_path + @fname + '.BAK'
SET @fname_archive = @archive_path + @fname + '.RAR'
SET @archive_cmd = '"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.EXE" a ' + @fname_archive + ' ' + @fname_backup
SET @put_cmd = 'echo put ' + @fname_archive + '>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'

PRINT @fname_backup
PRINT @fname_archive

BACKUP DATABASE @dbname TO DISK = @fname_backup WITH INIT

EXEC xp_cmdshell @archive_cmd
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo open> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo user dbupload>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo password123>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo cd DB_Backup>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo bin>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo ha>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell @put_cmd
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo bye>> F:\Backup\ftpcmds'
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'ftp -d -i -n -s:F:\BACKUP\ftpcmds'

I hope that will be handy for someone to automate databsae backups and transfers.


Config snippets : PostgreSQL : Listening on all IP addresses


After installation PostgreSQL is listening on localhost only. To change that adjustment has to be done in postgresql.conf.



Code snippets : PostgreSQL : Add new superuser after PostgreSQL installation


After I instaled PostgreSQL on Amazon Linux AMI, first thing after database server was up and running I start thinking how to create user with administrative privileges, so I can access it using some management applications.

So, here is how to create superuser and set password, which will allow to access PostgreSQL using admin tools.



How-to : Use SQL Server to query Active Directory


I think it’s common problem as Active Directory gets bigger in organizations, control over content of that mission-critical component seems to be lost. Same happened in my place. In addition to that we had to provide information from AD on a regular basis in a form of report. We had no tools to pull all data from AD, process it and present in some readable format. However, I was working with skilled SQL guy who was also very good in Reporting Services. So, I proposed that we can link Active Directory with SQL Server and use Transact-SQL to pull information from AD, process it on SQL and then make it readable and presentable through Reporting Services. That would allow SQL guy to process all information and do all kind of reporting required.

Here are components of our LAB environment before solution went to production:

And below steps how we made SQL Server 2008 R2 to work with Active Directory to use Transact-SQL queries to pull information from directory database.
