How-to : Adding SNMP to Windows Server 2008 R2


As a part of preparation for monitoring our WIndows Server 2008 R2 using SNMP and Nagios we had to add SNMP Services to few systems which didn’t have it yet. So, based on that fact I thought it might be nice to capture all steps involved in adding SNMP to Windows Server machine. Here you can see steps, screenshots and short description how to achieve that.



Windows Registry : Autologon in Windows XP


Again one of those things which I forget when is needed. Autologon in Windows XP. Funny enough is the fact that each time I’m looking for this information is when I want to prevent Windows XP from auto logon and trying to disable that in registry using remote access from Registry Editor.

Fortunately Microsoft prepared full detailed description, so now I can write down in my scratchpad for future reference instead of using Google each time I need that 😀



How-to : Integrating Cisco devices CLI access with Microsoft NPS/RADIUS


Many times I came across one issue… how to grant access to CLI (Command Line Interface) on Cisco devices without creating separate username and password for each user on each device? In order to resolve that I did use AAA features of Cisco IOS and built-in Windows Server 2008 R2 component – NPS (Network Policy Server).

Those two mixed together can create very nice environment which allows flexible management who, when and how can access network devices. Same time, Active Directory will be central place to grant or deny access to devices as well as enforce specific privilege level.

Below is simple diagram of the whole process and steps which take place when accessing Cisco device integrated with NPS/RADIUS.



Config snippets : Cisco : Testing RADIUS authentication on IOS


Recently was migrating RADIUS server on Windows from one machien to another. Once new serer was ready had to reconfigure Cisco router to authenticate remote users against new RADIUS. After pointing Cisco to new RADIUS machine made a quick test to check if router can authenticate without any issues. Here is how ot do it quickly:



Code snippets : List all logical disks in Windows 7 Command Prompt


Recently I was wondering how to list all available drives in Windows 7 PE Command Prompt. That happened to me when stuck in PXE boot command prompt window trying to find out what letter is assigned to USB stick I just plugged in. It looks like it’s not quite straightforward activity 🙂



Config snippets : ADLDS : Reset password without SSL


By default ADLDS does not allow to reset password on users created in ADLDS repository over connection without SSL. As sometimes there is a need to build test environment with ADLDS quick, SSL is the last thing which anyone would care about, especially if main thing to test is script automating password resets.

So, for convenience of the developers ADLDS allows to disable requirements for SSL connection to reset passwords. How to disable that reuqirement? See below how it was done on server where ADLDS was installed on port 50389:
