If you need to watch IIS application pool and start it once goes down and want to use PowerShell for that here is simple script for that.
Script includes also logging all restarts in log file which is created in same folder as script.
# AppPool to monitor $AppPoolName = "AppPoolName" # Log Destination $LogToScreen = 1 $LogToFile = 1 # Determine script location for PowerShell $ScriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # Output log $OutputLogPath = $ScriptDir + "\AppPoolRestart.csv" #Check if file exists and create if it doesn't If(!(Test-Path -Path $OutputLogPath)){ #Create file and start logging New-Item -Path $OutputLogPath -ItemType File } ### # Function: LogMessage ### function LogMessage($Msg, $ToScreen, $ToFile) { if ($ToScreen -eq 1) { Write-Host $Message } If ($ToFile -eq 1) { Add-Content -Path $OutputLogPath -Value $Message } } ### # End Function: LogMessage ### While (1 -eq 1){ Clear-Host $AppPoolStatus = Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $AppPoolName $DateTime = Get-Date If ($AppPoolStatus.Value -eq "Stopped"){ Write-Host "Not Working" Start-WebAppPool -Name $AppPoolName $Message = "App Pool $AppPoolName restarted at $DateTime" LogMessage $Message $LogToScreen $LogToFile }Else{ Write-Host "Working" } Sleep 5 }