How-to : Windows Server 2008 R2 : Installing ADLDS


ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode) was predeccesor of ADLDS and Microsoft distributed it as additional download. Now in Windows Server 2008 R2 ADLDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) are built0in server role. ADLDS offers LDAP-based directory service which can be utilized by application LDAP-enabled. In addition to that ADLDS works as Windows-service and is non-operating-system service which allows multiple instances of ADLDS on same machine.



Config snippets : Cisco : Configuring SNMPv3


Create Read Only SNMPv3 user – IOS

snmp-server group viewers v3 auth
snmp-server user snmpView viewers v3 auth md5 uHNKmuLP0lXOp8ODFkmJ
snmp-server group viewers v3 auth read viewConfig
snmp-server view viewConfig system included
snmp-server view viewConfig internet included
snmp-server view viewConfig mib-2 included
snmp-server view viewConfig cisco included
snmp-server view viewConfig ciscoConfig included
snmp-server view viewConfig ciscoImageMIB included
snmp-server view viewConfig snmpMIB included

Create Read Write SNMPv3 user – IOS

snmp-server group writers v3 auth
snmp-server user snmpWrite writers v3 auth md5 jB7HCiNBoGsk5qgfasHQ
snmp-server group writers v3 auth write writeConfig
snmp-server view writeConfig system included
snmp-server view writeConfig internet included
snmp-server view writeConfig mib-2 included
snmp-server view writeConfig cisco included
snmp-server view writeConfig ciscoConfig included
snmp-server view writeConfig ciscoImageMIB included
snmp-server view writeConfig snmpMIB included

Create Read Only SNMPv3 user – ASA

snmp-server group viewers v3 auth
snmp-server user snmpView viewers v3 auth md5 uHNKmuLP0lXOp8ODFkmJ
snmp-server host inside version 3 snmpView

NOTE: Please keep in mind that certain ACLs might require modification in order to allow SNMP protocol access.


Code snippets : CMD : Dump Windows Server DHCP configuration


If you need to capture configuration of Windows-based DHCP server for documentation or review purposes, this might be handy:

netsh -r lab-dc-01 dhcp server dump > C:\dhcp-lab-dc-01.txt

NOTE: lab-dc-01 in example command is name of the Windows server which has DHCP installed.

Example DHCP server dump from Windows Server 2008 R2 you can see here. It contains one scope for subnet, option for DNS and default gateway defined.


Config snippets : Cisco : DHCP on Catalyst switches


Usually I tend to create DHCP server on Windows Server. However, sometimes there is no server on site. Only what I have are network devices, workstations and voip phones. In those cases I used to create DHCP server on switches. As environment I operate in contains mainly Cisco devices, each location has at least one or more Cisco Catalyst switches (2960 or 3560) it is possible to provide DHCP service using IOS features. Example contains DHCP configuration for network with different VLANs for data, voice and printers.

Below is short description and set of commands demonstrating how to setup:

  • DHCP scopes
  • Exclusions
  • Define DHCP helper on the interface
  • Check status of DHCP assignments



Code snippets : VBscript : Ping all computers from Active Directory OU


Here is quick script which connects to Active Directory, reads all computer accounts from Organization Unit (OU) indicated in script and then pings all computers found in that OU. It might be handy if all server accounts are located in one OU.
