by skufel | Oct 24, 2013 | Automation, Infrastructure, Scripting, SysAdmin, Windows
Handful list of parameters possible to use in CMD scripts: %~I - expands %I removing any surrounding quotes ("") %~fI - expands %I to a fully qualified path name %~dI - expands %I to a drive letter only %~pI - expands %I to a...
by skufel | Jul 2, 2013 | Automation, Scripting, Windows
To download file from URL I used following piece of code: $fileURL = "http://server/" $fileName = "C:\Downloads\" $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient...
by skufel | Jan 2, 2013 | Automation, Scripting, Windows
From script repository I did use in the past, VBscript which allows to clear EvenLog on Windows machine. I did use that on computers with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. however, this script will work also on Windows 7 and Windows server 2008. By default script...
by skufel | Dec 23, 2012 | Automation, Databases, Development, Infrastructure, Scripting, SysAdmin, Windows
When browsing repository of all scripts I did use in past, I found one which might be interesting. What this script does is: Backups database to disk (name of database stored in @dbname, patch for backup stored in @archive_path, name of backup fine stored in @fname)...
by skufel | Aug 8, 2012 | Automation, Infrastructure, Scripting
As I had to fight with WIndows XP Autologon (we have it on many computers which are used for example for CCTV), I think can write down one more quick tips how to skip Autologon feature and use different account to access computer (for example to install Windows...
by skufel | Aug 8, 2012 | Automation, Scripting, Windows
Again one of those things which I forget when is needed. Autologon in Windows XP. Funny enough is the fact that each time I’m looking for this information is when I want to prevent Windows XP from auto logon and trying to disable that in registry using remote...